有天赋的欧洲杯买球app Looking to Accelerate

有天赋的, twice-exceptional, and other students who want to accelerate their learning thrive in 欧洲杯买球’s one-to-one classrooms. Beyond instruction, Fusion teachers also act as mentors in this personalized environment.

Personalized Support for Twice-Exceptional and 有天赋的欧洲杯买球app

有天赋的 and twice-exceptional students can often be overlooked in a large classroom. 不幸的是, because the student is unchallenged or bored in class, families are sometimes alerted because of behavior problems or failing grades even though the student is highly intelligent.

In 欧洲杯买球’s one-to-one classrooms the student is the center of attention and the teachers are able to personalize each class just for them. Students can move at an accelerated pace and have the ability to dig deeper into subjects they are passionate about.

Middle School and High School Enrollment Options

欧洲杯买球 offers both middle 欧洲杯买球 and high 欧洲杯买球 courses for twice-exceptional and gifted students. 在融合, we understand how twice-exceptional and gifted issues affect learning and we have developed strategies for middle and high 欧洲杯买球 students. Students can also have either full-time or part-time schedules at 欧洲杯买球.

“Our son struggled in the traditional high 欧洲杯买球 setting. 他很聪明。, but lost focus with social distractions, and had trouble with accountability and self-motivation… Our son thrived in the one-to-one classroom setting and began earning straight A’s. He was also able to take classes at an accelerated rate and graduated a year ahead of schedule. 他爱他的老师, learned time management, 变得有上进心, and decided he wanted to study engineering in college. He applied to eight engineering programs and was accepted to six of them.

He received an academic scholarship at Ohio State University, the largest university in the country, and started as a 17-year-old. I was worried about the size of the 欧洲杯买球 after attending Fusion, but he had no problem with the transition. That was almost four years ago. Now he is graduating with a degree in Computer Engineering, is on the Engineering Dean’s List, and will be working for Amazon as a Software Engineer. Fusion was absolutely the foundation of my son’s success. They truly help students find their best selves!”

Lisa Bayindirli, Fusion 索拉纳海滩 Parent

“Our son has unique needs as a “Twice Exceptional” student, and we have found the teachers and staff at Fusion to be flexible with his course scheduling and over and above supportive and caring about his wellbeing (and that of our entire family) in addition to his academic and social success. He has had classes with many of the different teachers at Fusion over the years and each one has worked with us to tailor the approach to the required curriculum in a way that best suits his learning needs and style.

We have been very impressed with the skill level of the Fusion teachers, both to push our son in the areas where he is gifted and to provide access to regular extra sessions to address his learning disability. Each one has had a slightly different style, but all of his teachers have worked with him in a way that he becomes a part of the plan/invested member of his own learning team, which drives his academic success on both 2-E fronts simultaneously. This is something we were not able to attain in our public 欧洲杯买球 system despite the fact that our county offers a robust 2-E 有天赋的/Talented + Learning Disabled program at all grade levels. ”

希拉D. Walcoff, Fusion 罗克维尔市 Parent


See how a personalized Fusion education changed the lives of these students and their families.

Accelerated and Personalized


A Non-Traditional Environment


Falling Back in Love with Learning




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